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Tudor Fennik

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 12 June 2017
Last Update: 12 June 2017
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 4071/26237
Views This Month: 19   (More...)
Favourite of: 0 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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Born in a lab. Created by a young eager Scientist, Dr. Laura Fennik and her small team of bio tech think tank, Tudor Fennik became self aware 7 seconds after being "birthed" from the surrogate androids bio-tech womb. Two DJI (Dah Gee) officers in attendance for the grand event. Tudor was created as the 5th prototype of his kind....A bio-tech warrior. Given inhanced abilities from Phasing Nano Bots who grow and learn as he does a symbiotic relationship between bio and tech. Suspended in a tank of bio electric gel until his nanos learn to harvest their own energy, eventually becoming singularity engines. Running on their own.

\" Subject 5 has reached full absorption for the day. Levels green across the board Dr. Fennik\"....\"God I hate the way he looks at you. like he\'s sizing you up. Seein\' what makes you tick.

\"That is actually a good analysis. He is..... Now lets run through his training program. I want him starting first thing in the morning. Make sure all inputs are 100%. No mistakes this time. I....I don't want to loose another one."

Enter 367 years later....

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