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Nathan Massengill's Viscera

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Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 5 January 2014
Last Update: 4 January 2014
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Current Comic Ranking: 8724/26237
Views This Month: 5   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 50   (More...)
Favourite of: 1 members
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A bad date turns into a terrifying battle to the death. Stalked by relentless killers, with only an invisible force field to protect her, this beautiful "Killer Virgin" plays a deadly game of hard to get.

Imagine if Sarah Connor from the "Terminator" arrived in Frank Miller's "Sin City" and, one by one, faced down every evil Immortal from the Highlander series...That's Viscera's everyday life.

"Viscera, Epic Frail" is the indie graphic novel from Nathan Massengill, part of the team behind the graphic novels Deadpool Classics, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Batman: City of Crime. Viscera's stark black and white art style marries the retro-punk wildness of "Tank Girl" and "The Crow" with the symbolic paranormal intensity of Mike Mignola's "Hellboy."

As the owner of the paranormal nightclub "RingRunners" and Ambassador to the Post-Life Nation of Ghosts, Viscera stays busy. She doesn't need men or sex. She doesn't want any trouble either, but trouble tracks her down. Viscera is a fugitive. She fled from an ancient and secretive woman-hating subculture ruled entirely by immortal men. These are ruthless and extremely powerful men, hunters who will not tolerate her escape from their control. In the past, she was content to run and hide, cowering at shadows and sounds in the night. But that was before she became "Viscera." Viscera refuses to run. For mysterious reasons known only to herself, Viscera makes a stand and a very public statement. Wearing a provocatively sexy ensemble and running what might be the wildest - and most frightening - nightclub on the planet (where humans can "party" with the dead)...Viscera truly knows how to make a point. She will fight - and kill - for the right to be her own person.

But when the legendary warrior-priest Theis arrives at RingRunners, he demands she serve him or die. Will this epic showdown be the moment her luck finally runs out?

VISCERA: EPIC FRAIL is a paranormal action thriller that, like its fierce heroine, goes for the throat. A rebel with a dark cause, Viscera gives new meaning to the term "bad girl."

Current synopsis by: namgill
Current image by: namgill

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