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Genre: Gaming
Date Added: 4 November 2011
Last Update: 3 November 2011
Archive URL:
Current Comic Ranking: 14271/26237
Views This Month: 7   (More...)
Average Views a Month: 32   (More...)
Favourite of: 2 members
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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I\'m not much of an artist, and I\'m not much of a writer, and by that logic, I probably shouldn\'t be doing a webcomic all by myself.

Be that as it may, I\'ve been working on Trunks & Soto for a few years now, and the life of it really belongs to Soto, within his creativity both in story and in art. Every once in a while, he will need a break, and I\'ll do a step-in, and people will write me and tell me they like it better. The fact of the matter is that Trunks & Soto isn\'t bad, the Soto isn\'t a bad writer or artist (far from it), but his story isn\'t something that everyone can sink their teeth into. People don\'t always have an attention span, and a week is a long time to wait for the next page of a story.

I guess that\'s where I come in. My attention span is probably shorter than most people\'s, so I think that my little rapid bursts tend to hit the right cues in a wider variety of people, so that\'s why I do it.

As for a schedule, well, that\'s an issue. I\'m devoted to Trunks & Soto, and this is my mistress on the side. My only hope is that she\'ll be understanding that my e-wife is important to me, and that she\'s the whore that lets me leak my creative fluids when the other one\'s on her rag.

And that might be the worst metaphor of all time.

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