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Genre: Manga
Date Added: 14 September 2007
Last Update: 14 September 2007
Current Comic Ranking: 19423/26237
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Average Views a Month: 29   (More...)
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details the stories of several experiments who escaped from a government-operated island. L.IN. stands for Lethal INfiltrator, a government project originally intended to create assasins. The six main characters and a brief description of each follow:
Tabitha-A girl combined with the DNA of a cat and a cobra. She is very agile but sometimes has trouble understanding complex concepts even though she tries. She can be quite compassionate but often offends without realizing it.
Charis-Combined with both the DNA of a pigeon and a dog, she can be rather flighty. Though incredibly loyal, she has no grasp of any common school subjects other than physics. Her skill in the subject is matched only by Circe's.
Camilla-One of the best assasins the project turned out, Camilla has the DNA of leopard and swan. Thus, she is incredibly graceful and enjoys ballet. She has an inner longing to be free from her shackles, though she has never known anything else. While she is fierce and intelligent, she can be rather rude.
Azrael-Azrael used to be a sweet girl who was grateful for the sun to rise every day. Since the death of her brother, Lestaut, and father-figure, Dr. Grey, she has changed from a fruit bat into a vampire. Her body contains the DNA of several different species of bat and grey wolf. She, like Camilla, is one of the perfect assasins and has been forced into solitary confinement. She would like nothing more than to exact her revenge...
Demeter-Though she isn't particularly deadly, Demeter certainly has earned her keep on the island. She works in the infirmary, being fascinated with healing. She has the DNA of both a mouse and nightingale. She is incredibly sweet and loves to sing.
Circe-Though neither of her DNA donors are known as particularly sharp animals, (panda and dove) Cytherea seems to have an almost otherworldly knowledge. She longs to escape her prison to learn about the world and perhaps find her parents (for they, too, must surely be geniuses?). She also has an affinity for finding lost spirits and sending them on their way, though she doesn't understand human nature and is often impatient with others.

This series is to have four or five volumes, with a planned completion date for each being approximately a year and a half after the preceding volume. (Sorry, school keeps both the writers and artist incredibly busy!)

Regarding the first volume: The artwork in this one has major skips in quality. No, Anne didn't suddenly come down with massive hand cramps every two weeks. The chapters were done out of order, with the first being the last completed, and the middle two being the first done. (Although the second chapter's end was drawn much later than the beginning...) Also, Caitlin inked several of the pages, so those will also look different. So bear with us. Hopefully the next volume will be more consistent and also better.
The chapters also skip around in length. Generally, the first completed are much shorter unless more was added for clarity later on (as with Tabitha's story). Also, some chapters just didn't have the complex story that others had. The first volume isn't absolutely necessary to understanding the story but acts rather as a prologue. Please read it if you'd like to understand how the government obtained the test subjects.
Thanks for reading, and bear with us! ^_^

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